Standings by Year

Last updated October 11th, 2022

Looking for past standings? Click below to see year-end rankings.

CHAN membership must be current by March 18. Competitors must compete in 40% of CHAN approved shows in order to be eligible for Year-End Awards.

2022 Standings

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Nate Miller Muy Bueno Gato 95
2. Nate Miller Rio Wilson 38
3. Todd Randles Eight Mile 14
4. Grant Daniel Catalena Spotlight 12
5. Nate Miller Smart Curly Brow 8
6. Miller Nate Southern Side 7
7. Ray Lipsey Metallic Wood 6
8. Josh Barratt Reylena Cat 5
9. Todd Randles One Stylish Catt 4
10. Josh Barratt CR Spoonful Of Lucy 3
11. Ray Lipsey Utah 3
12. Todd Randles Cadbury Cat 3
Non Pro

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Kirby` Smith Fancy Lookin 46
2. Kelly Troyer Metallic Stray Cat 28
3. Christina Delpozo Im Countin Katz 27
4. Samantha Cajka CR Spoonful Of Lucy/Reylena Cat 12
5. Morey McDonnell Rio Wilson 6
6. Fran Hayes Sweet Lil Pete 5
7. Deb Watts No Use Denying 4
8. Ericsson Glenda Blessed Merada 2
9. Joel Schulz Guantanamo Rey 1
Jr Youth

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Abbie Daniel Catalena Spotlight 37
2. Madelyn Waggoner Chica Sprat Dual 19
Sr Youth

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Olivia Watts Mr Wick 41
2. Tucker Huseman One Stylish Catt 37
$50K Amateur

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Morey McDonnell Rio Wilson 79
2. Tom Schultz Maliblu 69
3. Kirby Smith Fancy Lookin 59
4. Samantha Cajka CR Spoonful Of Lucy/Reylena Cat 46
5. Robert Taylor Auspicious Ruby Cat 29
6. Jene Kasperbauer Blue Belle Smoothie 22
7. Cody Knodel Cats Tule Time 9
8. Olivia Watts Mr Wick 5
9. Danny Bryson Dual X Reyted 5
10. Glenda Ericsson Blessed Merada 4
$2K Limit Rider

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Evyn Sharkey Playin Roulette 105
2. Cheyenne Eddy Down And Twisted 98
3. Michelle Lisac Mist Scoot 95
4. Bailey Kasperbauer Blue Belle Smoothie/Annie Parker 57
5. Seondra Paintin Kat Two Feathers 54
6. Tammy Gray A Petite Cat 42
7. Cody Knodel Cats Tule Time 36
8. Madelyn Waggoner Chica Sprat Dual 32
9. Tom Schultz Maliblu 18
10. Abbie Daniel Catalena Spotlight 17
11. Justin Waggoner Crimson Coug 7
4 Yr Old Open

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Ray Lipsey Nate Miller Smooth Snuggy 215
2. Ray Lipsey Metallic Wood 129
3. Ray Lipsey Utah 121
4. Grant Daniel Dont Stopp Sneakin 82
5. Josh Barratt CR Tuff Lights 80
6. Grant Daniel Dual Shiney Rey 72
7. Don Troyer James Deen 63
8. Todd Randles Wild As You 47
9. Nate Miller Sweet Swinging Pepto 14
10. Mark Kasperbauer Dance In The Mirror 13
4 Yr Old Non Pro

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Kelly Troyer Little Spot Metallic 53
2. Don Pegler Utah 47
3. Brenda Lipsey Metallic Wood 36
4. JB Atkins James Deen 27
5. MJ Christensen Paradox Pinkk 8
Unlimited Amateur

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Kirby Smith Fancy Lookin 17
2. Morey McDonnell Rio Wilson 10
3. Sam Cajka Reylena Cat 2
4. Robert Taylor Auspicious Ruby Cat 1
5. Fran Hayes Sweet Lil Pete 1
$15K Amateur

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Seondra Paintin Kat Two Feathers 98
2. Michelle Lisac Mist Scoot 75
3. Cody Knodel Cats Tule Time 66
4. Danny Bryson Dual X Reyted 56
5. Bert Davis Pasta Primavera 38
6. Olivia Watts Mr Wick/Acre Gona Shine 27
7. Jene Kasperbauer Blue Belle Smoothie 23
8. Justin Waggoner Styla Boom 13
9. Tammy Gray A Petite Cat 9
10. Sue Henrichs Muy Bueno Gato 4
11. Madelyn Waggoner Chica Sprat Dual 3
$35K Non Pro

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Tucker Huseman One Stylish Catt 91
2. Atkins Sonya Smooth Moon Pie 86
3. John Enright Smooth Dual Eyes 83
4. Cody Knodel Cats Tule Time 68
5. Bert Davis Pasta Primavera/Kat Two Feathers 67
6. Glenda Ericsson Blessed Merada 66
7. Samantha Cajka CR Spoonful Of Lucy 45
8. Danny Bryson Dual X Reyted 39
9. Sue Henrichs Muy Bueno Gato 21
10. Morey McDonnell Rio Wilson 17
11. Michelle Lisac Mist Scoot 7
12. Madelyn Waggoner Chica Sprat Dual 6
$25K Novice Horse

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Ray Lipsey Metallic Concho 123
2. Todd Randles Styla Boom 92
3. Nate Miller Nintey Proof 61
4. Ray Lipsey Lil Jackson Suen 48
5. Nate Miller Southern Side 46
6. Grant Daniel Lil Sneakin Metallic 42
7. Nate Miller This Spots Rey Hot 34
8. Josh Barratt A Reygyn Ich 28
9. Nate Miller Dmac Natalie Cole 25
10. Don Troyer Freckle Lena Cat 21
11. Nate Miller CJs Tuff Chiquita 19
12. Todd Randles Sweet Lil Pete 16
13. Grant Daniel Paradox Blu Wolf 15
14. Don Troyer Cats Tule Time 15
15. Todd Randles Reys Of Hope 12
16. Josh Barratt This Spots To Hot 10
17. Josh Barratt Royal Cowgirl Wood 7
18. Ray Lipsey Smooth Cat N Kai 7
19. Nate Miller Muy Bueno Gato 3
$25K Novice Horse Non Pro

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Deb Watts Mr Wick 137
2. Fran Hayes Sweet Lil Pete 124
3. Kelly Troyer Metallic Stray Cat 117
4. Brenda Lipsey Metallic Concho 95
5. Sue Henrichs Muy Bueno Gato 81
6. JB Atkins Smooth Moon Pie 59
7. Samantha Cajka Reylena Cat 45
8. Christina Delpozo CJs Tuff Chiquita 38
9. Mike Christensen Paradox Blu Wolf 37
10. Joel Schulz Guantanamo Rey 29
11. Deb Watts No Use Denying 27
12. Sonya Atkins Smooth Moon Pie 26
13. Brandon Berry Cadbury Cat 25
14. Brandon Berry Hickorys A Smooth Cat 19
15. Glenda Ericsson Blessed Merada 16
16. Tom Schultz Maliblu 6
17. MJ Christensen Paradox Pinkk 6
18. Danny Bryson Dual X Reyted 4
19. Robert Taylor Auspicious Ruby Cat 4
$5K Novice Horse

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. Nate Miller Tallicarey 145
2. Josh Barratt Mr Cattahoochie 135
3. Josh Barratt Baby Boomers 105
4. Mark Kasperbauer Annie Parker 90
5. Todd Randles Mini 8 46
6. Ray Lipsey Lil Jackson Suen 43
7. Grant Daniel Paradox Blu Wolf 43
8. Grant Daniel Lil Sneakin Metallic 42
9. Nate Miller DMAC Natalie Cole 40
10. Nate Miller Guantanamo Rey 33
11. Ray Lipsey Metallic Concho 25
12. Todd Randles Reys Of Hope 22
13. Todd Randles Cadbury Cat 16
14. Don Troyer James Deen 14
15. Josh Barratt Royal Cowgirl Wood 12
16. Jim Wilkins Rockin Jae Bar 9
17. Todd Randles Cry Pretty 9
18. Mark Kasperbauer Dual Shiney Rey 7
19. Ray Lipsey Sweet Little Aristo 7
$5K Novice Horse Non Pro

Riders must compete in 50% of CHAN shows to be eligible for Year-End Awards

Cutter Horse(s) Points
1. JB Atkins Counten Stars 100
2. Brandon Berry Cadbury Cat 95
3. Deb Watts No Use Denying 61
4. Rob Hayes Reys Of Hope 25
5. Kelly Troyer Little Spot Metallic 24
6. Joel Schulz Guantanamo Rey 31
7. Tucker Huseman Cry Pretty 26
8. MJ Christensen Paradox Blu Wolf 19
9. Samantha Cajka Cashn In On Hickory 11
10. Jene Kasperbauer Annie Parker 12
11. Brenda Lipsey Metallic Concho 8
12. Tammy Gray A Petite Cat 8
13. Glenda Ericsson Auspicious Katniss 4
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